Friday, November 26, 2010


Where the lead of the pencil meets the lines of imagination, hesitation pauses the pencil in hand and springboards the mind into a plethora of paper overwhelming the writer.  Only one word at a time may be chosen, one path of written thought.  Are these the words of a random path of which one should not be following or is this the path which brings you closer to your destination.  Can a writer intentionally lead the reader to a pointless point?
-My wife tells me you can spring and you can board, but you can not springboard.  She also finds herself sprungboarded into annoyance by this writing  : )

Ode to Coffee

Death like black, as too many crows sapping the life out of the tree upon which they perch.  Smell rings acute, the true taste.  Truly under the weight of the crows the tree grows stronger and when the birds take flight the tree explodes forward reaching toward the nurturing sun.  Brain cells fire and connect; warmth and euphoria sweep in and scatter the darkness as the echo and dots of blackness break into the sunlight, behind the branches reveal the new buds.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Action vs. Ponder

Do we often think when perhaps we should just act.  Aggression is often perceived as wrong.  What if aggression, reaction and quick response bring about better communication and living than thought and ponder.  Where do brain and muscle merge?
What if, perhap and maybe's all try to bring about definement
-where some wish not to go.
Why would a person not want definition?
Not light in a dark area or subject.
Our eyes bring about pain when we do not seek coverage and shade.
Shade and darkness / A grey area

Death = Butterfly

I live by the choice of which I knew I not had.
The dance of life is formed with the mis-perception of fear aka Death.
But Death has never been
-and true life springs eternal.
As the butterfly is always in the caterpillar
The spirit of man is always in the shell of man.
Death is only a media for creation.
Break the bonds of mental fragility and embrace fear, pain and death as added dimentia & definant.