Sunday, September 19, 2010

Lashed to God

Religion is neither good or evil.  It is simply a tool, hopefully used wisely.  It is a joint concept of how to relate with God.  Men establish a written framework to work within and bring others to.  Fortunately God is also outside the framework.  It is unfortunate when some remain or insist others remain within their framework.
-Stunting Growth
I think many are unhappy with religion because they have stopped searching; stopped pushing the borders of their own relationship with God.
If I had a boat and could explore all the oceans and distant lands, but only stayed at my home port.  :(
There are all sorts of places I could go and explore.  Somewhere we have the idea if we stay put we will be safe.
How dare we explore God.  If we don't stay in our church, synagogue, mosque God might disapprove.  We could slip.  I don't want to get it wrong and end up in hell.
Be an explorer of God and lash yourself to God, not to your religion.  To those who give all -will gain all.

1 comment:

  1. ok this one works for me because I am a mariner. but you do not have to be a mariner.. be a fruit tree and do not stop producing fruit. do not let other trees tell you your fruit is not worthy, just keep at staying healthy and producing good fruit.. grow where you are planted if you are not an explorer.. but put down deep roots.
